House Dreams - Mozambique

Wednesday 24 Jul

Sally dreams of sitting, doing life and sharing Jesus with her Yawo friends in her home.

Here Sally shares her heart to build relationships with Yawo women, explore Jesus with them and how having her own place to call home fits into that:
"My happy place is to be sitting with friends sharing the deep and not so deep things of life, all while looking out at an amazing view and enjoying a delicious meal or some hot cups of tea. 

For those who don't know, Team Yawo in Mozambique is building a house in Massangulo for me to live in. This means I have the opportunity to live in the place where I am building relationships. It shows my Yawo friends that I am not just visiting, not just staying here temporarily. Having a home here means my friends and I get to experience the seasons together- the storms, the dust, the road being built, the sicknesses that get passed around and the joy that new babies bring. 

I dream that this new house will provide a loving, welcoming and inclusive space for the friends I am making here in Massangulo. I pray that people will know Jesus here, that we will recognise His presence as we share together on the big beautiful verandah drinking our cups of tea and looking out towards the incredible landscape."

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