Invitation of Friendship - Silk Road Area

Monday 05 Jun

Eliza is invited to spend time with a group of K women in their rare time of rest.

In K culture, the youngest daughter-in-law is expected to carry out all the housework, meal preparation and child-rearing duties. For four young mums on the Silk Road, they support each other by heading to a cafe once a month to eat lagman noodles, salad and drink Pepsi and milky tea. They chat about their husbands, parenting and life sharing how they are feeling for a couple of fleeting hours away from the burdens and expectation of family duties.

Recently they invited Intercultural Worker Eliza along to their special tea-time where they shared their experiences of being mothers and supported each other in life’s challenges. Pray with Eliza, that as her friendships with these K women deepen, she will be able to share the source of her strength and hope with them. « Back to News