Stories Come to Life - Malawi

Wednesday 06 Nov

Upcoming short film shares stories of hope and life.

A small film crew recently spent time with the team in Mangochi, Malawi to produce a short film for May Mission Month 2020. In preparing for the trip, the production team had an idea of some of the local believer stories they could feature. However, it wasn’t until they were sitting in a backyard listening to the Yawo believers share their own stories, that they really came to life.

Waindi shared that when Jesus told him he had to choose between following his own way or Jesus’ way, he felt that Jesus was choosing him (and how could he not choose Jesus also?). The entrepreneurial, go-getter Twaibu spoke of being challenged to follow God’s Word even when it meant making difficult life changes. And Mary, in her measured, full of quiet strength way, relayed that when her baby was badly burnt she thought she had no-one to turn to. Then she learnt she could trust God, the other believers and herself. The short film is currently being edited.

Pray with us for this production to inspire, faithfully represent these Yawo believers and grow a heart for the least-reached among viewers.  « Back to News