
No matter where we are, we can journey alongside our neighbours and friends. Being an alongsider means listening, showing hospitality, bringing peace and humbly sharing the good news of Jesus. It means praying and seeking the Spirit’s leading. It means loving the people God has put in your world, as well as loving the world. 

Being an alongsider means sharing God’s love in genuine, active and relevant ways. It means partnering together with each other and God – sending and being sent, giving and receiving. Working together as partners in God’s mission.

Key themes: 
1. People of Prayer: Mark 1:35-39
We follow Jesus' model of retreating to pray before stepping out

2. People of Peace: Acts 16
We are people who bring peace and seek people of peace

3. People of Love: John 5:1-15
We love people and holistically respond to their needs

4. People who Partner: Philippians 1:3-6
We partner together in God’s mission

Whether your church community can dedicate one, two or four weeks, there are quality resources to for all ages to get involved. 

Alongsiders [Key Video]


WATCh alongsiders    
Video with captions >>

This is the key video video for the Alongsiders series. It is the entry point for the full resource, designed to open the conversation on what being an alongsider means for you and your faith community... wherever you are.

In this video, sit down with intercultural team members Rours, Reaksmey and Paul as they explore what they are learning about being alongsiders. And then, take a moment to consider what being an alongsider means for you. How is God calling you to step out and live as an alongsider? 


How to use this video

This video can be used as a discussion prompter for churches and small groups. It's our prayer that your faith community takes this piece, and uses it to spark a new conversation about how you are individually and collectively living as alongsiders.

As a church (or small group), watch the Alongsiders video during your service, and then invite people to form small discussion groups. Use the PPT slides or printable PDF to share the questions. 

  • What do you think it means to be an alongsider?
  • What does this look like in your life? 
  • What are you learning about being an alongsider? Choose one word each to reflect on: love / patience / prayer / openness / partnership / time / hope / humility / peace
  • How is God calling you to step and journey with others? Is there anything holding you back?

Extended Conversation

Reaksmey, Rours and Paul had lots more stories and reflections to share! So we also recorded an 30 minute extended version of their conversation as a Missioning podcast episode. 

Special Thanks

Thank you to everyone who made this short film possible: Rours, Reaksmey, Paul, Beck, Gerry, Jemimah, Dema, Phil, Lena, Teagan, Scott and Susan.

Extra special thanks to Baptist Financial Services Australia LTD (BFS) for sponsoring this video. 

The Alongsiders video has been produced by Thick Black Frames.

Pastor's and Leader's Guide

The Pastor's and Leader's Guide has been developed as a launching pad for leaders explore the key themes of the Alongsiders series with churches and small groups. 

Each theme has an introdution of the theme and scriptures, key takeaways, mission stories to use as illustrations, questions for small groups and a prayer. It can be used as a four week series or as standalone sessions.

It can be printed on A4 pages and then folded in half to create an A5 booklet.

leader's  guide     
leader's  guide - For printing     
Theme 1: People of prayer

Scriptures: Mark 1:35–39, Colossians 4:2–6 and 2 Chronicles 7:14
Sermon (Scott Pilgrim): Video
Key Points:

  1. Prayer empowers us for mission
  2. Prayer opens doors for the Gospel
  3. We are empowered by the Spirit
Mission Stories:
  1. ​Daz and Bee, South East Asia
  2. Liz and Glenn, Thailand
Theme 2: people of peace

Scriptures: Acts 16:11–15, Matthew 5:9 and James 3:13–18
Sermon (Scott Pilgrim): Video
Key Points:

  1. Peacemakers seek people of peace
  2. Peacemakers are called the children of God
  3. Peacemakers show the wisdom of heaven
Mission Stories:
  1. ​Sally, Mozambique
  2. Bob, Western Australia
Theme 3: people of love

Scriptures: 1 John 3:16–18, 1 Thessalonians 5:11–19 and 1 Timothy 2:1–7
Sermon (Scott Pilgrim): Video
Key Points:

  1. We are people of love in our words and actions
  2. We are people of love in our encouragement and support
  3. We are people of love in our prayers and thanksgiving
Mission Stories:
  1. ​Joyce and Jean-Claude, Malawi
  2. Citywide Baptist Church, Tasmania
Theme 4: People who partner

Scripture: ​Philippians 1:3–8, John 13:34–35 and Matthew 28:18–20
Sermon (Scott Pilgrim): Video
Key Points:

  1. We are people who partner in the Gospel
  2. We are people who partner in love
  3. We are people who partner in the Great Commission
Mission Stories:
  1. ​John, Victoria
  2. Leisha, Victoria

Filmed Sermons

Filmed Sermons

Sermons have been recorded for each of the four key Alongsiders themes. These can be used with your in-person or online service. They are 15-20 minutes each and include and exploration of the passage/s as well as global and local mission stories.

To download a video, click on the link and then click the 'Download' button below the Vimeo player on the page that opens up.
Theme 1: People of prayer
  • Passage (read prior to watching)Mark 1:35-39
  • Sermon from Scott Pilgrim, Exective Director (audio version)

[Alongsiders sermon 1] People of Prayer - Scott Pilgrim

Theme 2: People of peace
  • Passage (read prior to watching): Acts 16
  • Sermon from Scott Pilgrim, Exective Director (audio version)
  • Sermon from Robyn Song, Bentleigh Baptist Church

[Alongsiders Sermon 2] People of Peace - Scott Pilgrim

[Alongsiders Sermon 2] People of Peace - Robyn Song

Theme 3: People of love
  • Passage (read prior to watching)John 5:1-15
  • Sermon from Scott Pilgrim, Exective Director (audio version)

[Alongsiders sermon 3] People of love - Scott Pilgrim

Theme 4: People who Partner
  • Passage (read prior to watching)Philippians 1:3-6
  • Sermon from Scott Pilgrim, Exective Director (audio version)

[Alongsiders sermon 4] People who Partner - Scott Pilgrim

Thematic Videos

Thematic videos are available for each of the four Alongsiders themes. These are shorts stories or reflections that can be used as sermon illustrations, standalone pieces or discussion starters for small groups.

Their purpose is to inspire and encourage, as together we participate in God's mission. They highlight God at work across the street and across the world. 


Theme 1: People of Prayer

Posture of Prayer - Deb and Rob, Cambodia

People of Prayer - David and Eliza, Silk Road Area


Theme 2: People of Peace

Testimony of Peace - Muana, Thailand

Mel's Update - Silk Road Area

Person of Peace - Kath, Mozambique


Theme 3: People of Love

Sally's Update - Mozambique

Local Church Spotlight: Practical Love - Hobart Nepali Church

Local Church Spotlight: Bread of Love - Maroubra Baptist Church


Theme 4: People who Partner

Partners in God's Mission - Dema, Thailand

Partnering with God - Kath, Mozambique

Why We Partner - Allan Demond, NewHope Baptist Church

People who Partner - Susan Campbell

Missioning Podcast

Across the Alongsiders series, host Nathan Reid (Baptist Mission Australia Mission Coach) talks to people in Australia and around the world who are stepping out and living as alongsiders.

You can listen now to the four episodes:


Episode 1: People of Prayer

Listen here >>
Guests: Daz and Bee, South East Asia

In this conversation, Bee and Daz share about their experience of prayer, how this has evolved since moving to South East Asia five years ago and how God is shaping them - day by day - to be people of prayer. They share vulnerably about challenges they have experienced and what God taught them about prayer during those seasons.

Episode 2: People of Peace

Listen here >>
Guests: Cam and Kath, Mozambique

Cam and Kath have been serving with our team in Mozambique among the Yawo people for ten years. And in conversation with Nathan Reid, they share stories of how God has gone before them and placed people of peace in their lives - opening Kingdom opportunities in communities. 

Episode 3: People of Love

Listen now >>

Guests: Steve Hales, Lismore Baptist Church & Petra, Silk Road Area

Petra and Steve serve in very different contexts, but they both live out of the conviction that to be an alongsider is to be someone who shares God's love in relevant, active and genuine ways.

Episode 4: People who Partner

Listen now >>
Suzanne, Silk Road Area & Marbuen Diaz, Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT

In this thought provoking episode, Nathan, Suzanne and Marbz explore a range of questions about partnership, power and working together. Suzanne is preparing to head to the Silk Road Area, joining our intercultural team. And Marbz works at the Baptist Association of Churches in NSW & ACT and has many years experience partnering with community development projects and other organisations. 

Introductory Episode: Being Alongsiders

In addition to the full Missioning series with Nathan, this episode gives an overview of the Alongsiders theme. It's an extended version of a four minute video we have produced as the key video for the Alongsiders series (you can watch that video here >>

In this episode, sit down with intercultural team members Rours, Reaksmey and Paul as they explore what it means to be an alongsider. Paul shares from his experiences serving in Central Asia and Australia. And Reaksmey and Rours share stories from their years in Brisbane, where they are living as they prepare to join the Baptist Mission Australia team in Cambodia.

Listen here >>
Watch here >>

Children's Resource [primary school ages]

The Alongsiders Children's Resource is a four session curriculum for primary aged children. The aim of this resource is for kids to learn from Jesus’ example of loving all people and to explore how we can all live as alongsiders. 

Through the sessions, children will explore stories of Jesus in the Bible, as well as discover what it means for them and how they can be a part of God’s mission. This is achieved through games, activities, Bible stories, discussion questions, videos and prayer.

Children's RESOURCE        
Children's RESOURCE - FOR PRINTING        


Session 1: Recharged and Ready!

Session 2: Peace People

Session 3: Sharing the Love

Session 4: Better Together

A special thank you to Carol Cleasby from Thornleigh Community Baptist Church for writing sessions one and two of this resource. Thank you Carol!

Kid's Videos

Videos for kids, from kids!

Chris, Ornella, Venerande and Isabella live with their parents Joyce and Jean-Claude in Malawi. What's their life like?! In this video, they share all!

What is like growing up in Malawi? - Chris, Ornella, Venerande and Isabella tell all!

Josiah and Levi, two of Bek and Scott's children, love having fun with their friends in Mozambique. In this video, they share how they live alongside their friends. 

How We Live Alongside Our Friends - Josiah and Levi, Mozambique
Video with captions >>

Youth Resource [secondary school ages]

This Alongsiders Youth Resource has been designed as a single 1.5-2 hour youth group session. It is based around four interactive prayer stations that correlate to the four key themes of the Alongsiders series - prayer, peace, love and partnership. Each prayer station also has a corresponding extension activity that can be done by youth individually throughout May and beyond.  

Through the prayer stations and the extension activities, youth will be encouraged to lift their eyes to what God is doing both globally and locally.

Youth Resource        
YOUTH RESOURCE - For printing        


There are PDFs to be printed for each of the prayer stations. If this is an issue for your group due to access or cost, please let us know. Baptist Mission Australia can print all the elements and mail them to you. 

Station One:
People of Prayer Station Two: People of Peace Station Three: People of Love Station Four: People who Partner The Alongsiders Youth Resource has been written by Rachel Stevens, Baptist Mission Australia’s Next Generation Specialist. Rachel is passionate about engaging with young people as they explore who God is and who He has made them to be. 

Want to talk to someone?
If you would like to chat about resources or how you and your church can engage with Baptist Mission Australia's May Mission Month, then contact your State Leader here or our Communications Manager, Teagan Dwyer-Riviere on