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Ministry Story - One year in!

Suzanne in the Silk Road Area writes, "Today I celebrate exactly one year since I arrived in the Silk Road! How much can change in twelve months?
Well, up until recently, popping over to the shops to pick up some yoghurt was no small feat! Door locks are different here, traffic travels in the opposite direction and signs aren’t intuitive for me. I have to remember which roads are dug up, to leave my bags in a locker... READ MORE >>

Prayer and Praise Points

Thurs 25 July - Wed 7 Aug

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25 T South Asia Over the past week, there have been violent and deadly clashes between university students and police. Our team members in this region are safe. Pray for a peaceful resolution to the unrest.

26 F South Asia Pray for A&J as they prepare to relocate to South Asia very soon. Pray that they will know God’s peace and protection as they do final preparations, travel and apply for visas. Give thanks for the faithful people and churches who are enabling them to go.  

27 S South Asia Lift up our team and ministry in South Asia. Pray for God’s leading as they seek to build authentic relationships and respond to people’s physical and spiritual needs.   

28 T Buddhist Lent Pray for Buddhist people to meet Jesus during this time of increased devotion and spirituality.

29 F Thailand Pray for the Ethnic Thai believers to have Spirit-led opportunities to share about their faith in Jesus with their friends and family. Ask that they would be bold and wise.

30 S Thailand Pray for our team as they support each other, serve in their various ministries and journey together with the Ethnic Thai faith communities. Pray for continued good communication and a strong commitment to 
one another.

31 S Vietnam Pray for Mark and Ngoc as they serve alongside local workers, training and supporting people with disabilities. Pray also for their ministry among vulnerable mothers. Pray for God’s love to be experienced.

1 M Vietnam Ngoc writes, “Please pray that God would break the spiritual bonds of ancestor and spirit worship that hold the Vietnamese people in darkness. Ask that God would reveal His truth to them.”

2 T Cambodia Deb and Rob are encouraged by the growing mentoring and discipling opportunities they are having in their village and beyond. Pray for God’s Spirit to be at work through their conversations and relationships. 

3 W Cambodia Give thanks that Reaksmey and Rours have arrived safely in Cambodia to join the team. Pray for them as they settle in and begin replanting into the soil of their birth country.

4 T Papua New Guinea Praise God for the encouraging Women’s Conference that was recently held. David from Baptist Union PNG shares, “Our time at Tabubil was really awesome. There was confession of sin and brokenness, as well as forgiveness and restoration of relationships.” Hundreds of women chose to follow Jesus. Pray for each woman to grow in faith and trust of Jesus. 

F Papua New Guinea Lift up the National Youth Conference that is being held at the end of the year. Pray for the leaders and the preparations. Pray that God will be raising up the next generation of faith leaders.

6 S Australia Danny and Beth have been on the Outback Australia team for three years now, and are encouraged to see the growing fruit of simply being present. Give thanks for the trusting relationships that they are developing with First Nations believers. Pray for ever increasing cultural understanding.   

7 S Australia Pray for the emerging First Nations leaders. Give thanks that God goes before them, and pray for our team and older leaders as they walk beside them.