Partners in God's Mission!

It’s a privilege to partner together in God’s mission. THANK YOU for being part of the team! You are making an eternal difference.

MAKE A GIFT        

This year, we have identified the most pressing needs for each team. These include intercultural team members who are preparing or are currently undersupported, and projects.

You can explore all these options in the dropdowns below. 

Featured Projects

This year we have identified key ministry projects that connect with each of the four Mending! themes. These are ministry projects in need of funding this year.

If your church would like to raise funds for one of these projects, or any others, please consider getting in touch with us to make a non-binding pledge. Pledges help us plan and support sustainable funding for our teams and their projects. 

1. Renewing

Project: Lanternlight Ministries – Community Based Rehabilitation
Code: TOya412
Location: Thailand 
Key Team Members: Jit and Jan
Target: $28,350

Along the border of Thailand and Myanmar are communities of people who fall between the cracks of the limited government assistance that is available in Thailand. Lanternlight Ministries is a local entity that partners with the local church, hospital, schools and communities to bring physiotherapy for those living with challenging physical conditions, it runs camps for children and resources medical and mobility equipment that otherwise is not affordable to those in need of the most help.

Project: English Teaching and Friendship
Code: KSwh412
Location: Silk Road Area
Key Team Members: Eliza, Mel, Suzanne, Lydia and Calvin
Target: $33,440

In a rural community in the Silk Road Area, a study centre is established and offering English language, and K language literacy classes, for local students and young adults to address the education challenges they face. Starting from small roots, bu God's grace it’s grown into a well-respected, trusted centre, now offering beginner, conversational and advanced classes which are subsidised to be affordable. This project is renewing hope for students and their family in this globalised world, building relationships, offering hospitality and providing local employment.

2. Relating

Project: Team Travel
Code: SAsy102
Location: South Asia
Target: $66,000

Coming alongside, building relationship, being co-menders in God’s mission means showing up, it means making ourselves available to be used by God. To do this, each person in our South Asia team travel to South Asia two to four times a year to work alongside the B people. This comes with practical needs as they travel from Australia.

Project: Partnership with Baptist Union of PNG
Location: Papua New Guinea
Target: $50,000

Partnering together and with God, building on long-term meaningful and authentic relationships, the Baptist Union of Papua New Guinea (BUPNG) and Baptist Mission Australia partner together to strengthen the Baptist Church of PNG with over 400 congregations, hundreds of pastors, emerging leaders and faith communities.

3. Restoring

Project: Sharing the Good News in New Ways
Code: SAwh415
Location: South Asia
Key Team Members: Phil, Ryan and Suzie
Target: $205,000 ($160,000 received)

Sharing the good news of Jesus, conducting discipleship and Bible study intensives, providing secure interactive classrooms in a country that does not welcome the Bible and doing this while also working in the community, running programs for families, literacy workshops and supporting community-based organisations and small business. Through Word and deed, families are being restored.

Project: Creation Care: Waste Bank
Code: SEAwh705
Location: South East Asia
Target: $59,400

As co-menders, joining in God’s mission of healing and restoration, we support the pioneering work at a local not-for-profit environmental care and community development program that pays a fair wage for waste being removed from the streets, recycles and processes it to keep it off the streets and supports the local community. The organisation overseeing the program develops and conducts community education campaigns and works to reduce poverty through better environmental management and empowerment programs for socially and economically disadvantaged communities.

4. Responding

Project: Ciyawo Audio Bibles
Code: YHwh420
Location: Malawi and Mozambique
Target: $34,100

There is a Bible Translation being finalised in Malawi, and an Oral Bible Translation in progress in Mozambique so the Yawo of Mozambique can have the good news of Jesus in their heart language. But while these are in progress, this project is ensuring every Yawo – those that can read and especially those that didn’t have the opportunity to learn – can access the Scriptures through audio Bibles, ensuring the Word of God is available to everyone willing to hear.

Project: Thai Ministry House
Code: TMwh601
Location: Thailand
Key Team Members: Dema, Carolyn, Margaret, Muana, Villy, Glenn and Liz
Target: $16,885

In rural areas of Northern Thailand, our team have long been involved in discipleship, training and encouraging local faith communities that continue to grow and respond to the good news of Jesus. Most members in these faith communities come from humble backgrounds and as the groups grow and family dynamics change, they are in need of a space to make their own for faith gatherings.

After a decade, their family homes are no longer viable to host these growing gatherings and they approached our team for assistance in renting a central space to continue their faith gatherings. Our team are responding.

Project: Equipping and Empowering Leaders
Code: TMwh306
Location: Thailand
Key Team Members: Dema, Carolyn, Muana, Villy, Glenn and Liz
Target: $15,000

As Ethnic Thai faith communities grow, our team continues to journey alongside them. Through this project, Ethnic Thai believers are strengthened and equipped to share the good news of Jesus with their families and friends. It is equipping the local believers as they seek to respond to God's leading in their life.

make a pledge      

Project Pledge Form

If your church is planning on partnering with a particular project, then would you consider letting us know by completing the form below. Pledges help us plan and support sustainable funding for our teams and their projects.

Your pledge is non-binding, but does give us an indication of whether a particular project needs more funding or not. Thank you

List project name or code
Pledges are non-binding
This pledge is on behalf of:

Would you like any promotional material (i.e. poster or PPT) to help promote this project within your church?:

New Projects!

We are excited to share new projects for 2024! Please contact Projects Manager, Alison, if you have questions about these new projects.

Malawi & Mozambique

“Our Yawo friends are acutely aware of the power, reality and danger of what’s happening in the spiritual realm. Many live their lives in fear of upsetting ancestral and other spirits, and the consequences that they believe come from that. Please pray with us, that as we share with people about Jesus, the truth of the Gospel will take hold in the hearts of many.” - Kath, Mozambique Team Leader

“Baptist Mission Australia’s work in Malawi has moved with the tide of urbanisation. In recent years we have seen the local faith communities amongst the Yawo grow and mature. The urban believers have come together and created a childcare facility from the women’s group and a cafe from the youth group. These entities are working to create sustainable employment, as well as income to support village ministries.” - Melanie, Malawi co-Team Leader

partner with the team    


Key Team Needs:

Team Members in Malawi

  • David and Susie
  • Gary and Shirley*
  • Tim and Melanie
  • Jean-Claude and Joyce
  • Gunther and Sarah

Team Members in Mozambique

  • Cam and Kath*
  • Heather and Tobias*
  • Sally
  • Scott and Bek

*Currently needing support


  • Mozambique Oral Bible Translation (MZwh415)
  • Rural School Repairs (MZwh606)
  • Ciyawo-English Dictionary Final Chapter (MLdi413)
  • A Good Night's Sleep (MLmo602)
  • Ciyawo Audio Bibles (YWwh420)


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work.

Silk Road Area

“The demands of the seasons and the need to celebrate important life events in a nominally Muslim culture leave little space for seeking a relationship with God. But our team has noticed how the Holy Spirit has been moving over the past year. We are thrilled to see how God is using our ministries – English teaching, allied health, metalwork and carpentry – for relationship building and transformation.” - Eliza, Team Leader



Team Members

  • Suzanne
  • Calvin and Lydia
  • Mel
  • Eliza and David
  • Ben and Petra
  • English Teaching and Friendship (KSwh412)
  • Unlocking Abilities: Early Intervention Therapy (KSbp402)

THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work.

South Asia

“The B people are a resilient people group who know what it is like to fight for survival. Our work amongst the B people is through our local community development organisation. We serve and walk alongside a local staff team through agriculture, health and education projects aimed at capacity building and poverty alleviation. We are also currently working on scripture and discipleship resources for the growing network of believers.” - Ryan, Team Leader




Team Members

  • Fiona*
  • Ryan and Suzie*
  • Lisa
  • A&J*
  • Phil*
  • Morris
  • Graeme and Pat
  • Graeme
*Currently needing support

  • Sharing the Good News in new ways (SAwh415)
  • Local Team Building Conference (SAsy305)
  • Rural Income Generation (SAsy707)
  • Team Travel (SAsy102)


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work.


“In Vietnam, our team serves through a vocational training centre for people with disabilities. The students are trained in teaching, business management, English, baking and more. We celebrate that this centre is fully managed and operated by local people with disabilities. As team members, we come alongside these young people and share the love of Christ by doing life together.” - Ngoc



Team Members

  • Mark and Ngoc


  • Maternal Child Health Visits (ICEwh301)


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work.


“As our team seeks to share the Gospel, we often encounter a response of ‘kreang jai’ - of politeness and smiles. This means that it takes time for deep relationships to be built, and for Ethnic Thai people to understand the truth of God’s Word. Please pray for the local believers and our team as we seek to contextually share the Gospel in a way that affirms the ‘kreang jai’ of the culture, while speaking the truth in love.” - Muana, Team Leader



Team Members

  • Luke and Belle*
  • Glenn and Liz*
  • Muana and Villy
  • Carolyn and Dema
  • Jit and Jan
  • Margaret

*Currently needing support

  • Equipping and Empowering Leaders (TMwh306)
  • English Language Centre (TNbl420)
  • Lanternlight Ministries (TOya412)
  • Christmas Outreach (TNva204)
  • Youth Camp 2025 (TNva502)
  • Further Training for Visas (TNbl407)
  • Local Income Generation (TMwh707)
  • Entrpreneur Start-Up Academy (TNha705)

THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work. ​


“‘It’s a hard life, but a good life’, a Khmer person once told me. Khmer people accept the uncertainty in their lives. Nevertheless, seeking a better life for future generations is important. This desire for a better life provides opportunities for the team to support Khmer people in a range of areas, including health education, social work, disability support, life and vocational skills training, spiritual formation and sports ministries.” - Rachel, Team Member


Team Members

  • Rours and Reaksmey* (in preparation)
  • Luke and Rachel
  • Catherine and KimLean*
  • Rob and Deb
  • Tristan and Megan
*Currently needing support


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work. 

South East Asia

“Our team serves in a communal culture across three people groups. Our engagement through education, community development and social enterprises opens opportunities for God’s love to be shared in practical ways. And we have seen how living as alongsiders can open doors to the Gospel. The Holy Spirit is at work and our team has a sense that this is just the beginning!” - Dave, Team Leader



Team Members

  • Jan* (in preparation)
  • Pat and Joy*
  • Dave and Caz*
  • Simon and Widya
  • Daz and Bee
  • Max and Ezzie
  • Mike
  • Kate
  • Ando
  • Ally

*Currently undersupported 


  • Cafe (SEAwh605)
  • Creation Care: Waste Bank (SEAwh705)
  • Education Foudation (SEAwh601) 


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work.


“Baptist Mission Australia is increasingly welcomed to play a pivotal role in intercultural mission not just overseas, but also throughout our diverse nation. We acknowledge that the nations have come to our land and take joy in the vibrant tapestry of cultures and religions existing in Australia today. This as an exciting opportunity to spread the message of Jesus in new and creative ways." - Andrew Duncan, Team Leader

“The Outback team works across five remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. Each of the communities are unique and filled with a breathtaking mix of joy and sorrow. Ministry in these communities is varied too, but at the core of it all is our value of walking with people as they discover and embrace their own distinctive ways of following Jesus.” - Shannon, Team Member


Team Members

  • ​Mat and Shannon (Outback Australia)
  • Chris and Mal (Outback Australia)
  • Vivian (Outback Australia)
  • Beth and Danny (Outback Australia)
  • Paul* (Sydney) 
  • Pip* (Sydney)
  • Tash* (Sydney)
  • Daniel (New South Wales)

*Currently needing support


  • Mat and Shannon: Kalkarindji Church Vehicle Maintenance (ABan603) 


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work.

Ministry Partnerships

We continue to partner with established faith communities, particularly where we have a long history of mission engagement. We seek to empower, equip, listen, learn and train. 



Team Members and Consultants

  • R and B, India
  • Mark Holt, Papua
  • Roger Kemp, Intercultural Mission Specialist
  • John Davis, Community Development Specialist

Projects and Partnerships

  • Transformational Training: India and beyond (INwh411)
  • Empowering the Adivasi: India (INbc701)
  • Shalom Bible College Library Study Books: India (INsh502)
  • Scholarship Fund: India, Malawi and Zambia (SFke205)
  • Church Leader Training: Zambia and Zimbabwe (ZZke205)
  • Medical Care and Education: Myanmar (PPsh301)
  • Partnering with Sharing Hope in Myanmar
  • Partnering with Baptist Union Papua New Guinea
  • Partnering with Baptist Associations in Papua


THANK YOU for your partnership with this Kingdom building work!

Further Information

Please contact us for personalised resources related to the projects your church is partnering with.
Fundraising Ideas
May (or August!) Mission Munch
Enjoy food together after a service or in homes, asking people to ‘pay’ for the food they eat. Why not include dishes that our intercultural workers eat with their local friends?

Walk, Run or Cycle-A-Thon
Set up a course in or around your church for people to walk, run, cycle, wheel, hop or skip! Sponsor those participating with an amount per lap.

Movie, Trivia or Games Night
Host a fundraising event for people of all ages to enjoy.
Puzzle Wall
Create a large puzzle out of paper and put a price on each piece. As people give, invite them to add puzzle pieces to the wall. You’ll know you have reached your target when the image is complete!

Around the World Photo Gallery
Celebrate culture and God’s love for the world by inviting people to contribute photos they have taken during their travels. Ask for a gold coin donation (or more!) to view the gallery.
How to Give
Individuals can give online through our website (make sure they add the church name in the comments section so the gift is linked to the church's record as well as their individual record.)

Alternatively, the church can receive the funds and transfer to Global Interaction through a direct deposit, post or via the website. We can send individual receipts to members who have given if you fill and send in the remittance spreadsheet.

For receipts to be issued in the 2023/24 financial year, gifts must be received at our office on or before 30 June 2024.
From the Projects manager

Dear Friends,
We are honoured to share stories and projects from our intercultural team members, as they share testimonies of God at work within the communities they serve throughout Australia, Asia, Africa and more. Stories of renewing, relating, restoring and responding. Stories that share of people’s lives changed because of the power of God who loves and calls every single one of us, no matter where we are, to join as co-menders in a beautiful, broken world.

Thank you for your continued partnership, your joy in seeing long-term projects grow and thrive and in coming alongside new initiatives to give more people opportunities. We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for investing in relationships, partnering in opportunities that God has given to care for His people and His world, for spending time dedicated in prayer and for intentionally joining us. May I invite you to join us again this May?

I love hearing from you and connecting with you! If you haven’t already, please send me an email or give me a call and let me know what you or your church are planning for May Mission Month.

And if your church is doing project fundraising, can you please let me know? These pledges are non-binding and while they may seem small, they make a big difference for us… They bring encouragement to our team but also help us plan the practical side of things like budgets for the next year. Knowing you’re contributing to a project or two also helps us keep you up-to-date with the latest information. We have videos, posters, youth and children’s resources, sermons, prayer resources and so much more and we love sharing them with you. 

pledge to a project       

On the webpage above, there is specific project information for new projects, projects with big needs and for projects connected with teams and individuals.

Thank you for your faithful prayer, generous financial support and for your evident care for teams and the communities they live among. Thank you for sharing God’s love and for partnering together – with each other and God – to send, be sent, give, receive and serve together in God’s mission.

Thank you for being co-menders to see vibrant faith communities following Jesus in their own distinctive ways.

In Christ,
Alison | 1800 329 165