Cost of Being a Disciple - Malawi

Friday 01 Apr

Bulayo is the first follower of Jesus in his village.

One day after our worker, Tim, taught the Bible at a local village, Bulayo announced that he wanted to become one of Jesus’ followers, the first person in his village to do so. Since then, the work of the Spirit has been very evident in his life.
Bulayo is one of the village Chief’s councillors, he is the village mediator and he was recently elected as the Community Development Coordinator. His neighbours recognise him to be honest and trustworthy.
Due to a poor harvest, Bulayo’s village was selected to receive 80 bags of maize. It was Bulayo’s job to provide a list of the most needy people who would receive the benefit. However, the village Chief submitted the list, including only his immediate family and claimed the list came from Bulayo.
When the maize was delivered and only the Chief’s family benefited, people were fairly fired up. Bulayo told the truth and in doing so shamed and offended the Chief. In retaliation the Chief sent a delegation of villagers to Bulayo’s house at night, armed with large machetes, threatening to kill him. They intended to scare him out of the village.
Tim is supporting Bulayo to remain in the village. Recently they read Luke 14 together about the cost of being a disciple. Bulayo sat silently and slowly nodded his head. It is a cost he knows very well!      

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