Kingdom Partnership

Wednesday 28 Sep

Leisha shares her partnership journey.

Our passionate, Spirit-led teams can only go with the partnership of people like you! Here, one of our amazing partners, Leisha, shares her thoughts on giving, partnership and generosity. Leisha is a Pastry Chef from Bendigo who partners with Kate in South East Asia.

Everyone has a different calling on their life. I love that I can partner with someone who’s got a calling on their life to go. I might not be called to go, but I have faith that the support I am giving is helping to spread the word of God. My husband and I pray that the gifts we give will mean that people hear the good news of Jesus.

Partnership is more than just financial giving. Your financial support means they can go, but it’s your encouragement and prayer partnership that will help them stay.

It was easy to decide to partner with Kate. I have known her for a long time and I have seen her go through the process of preparation and then head off to South East Asia. Partnering with her financially is one way that I can support her in that. We talk as well, but I want her to have the peace of mind that there are people looking out for her and supporting her.

I also love that it’s not just us! There is a whole community of people and churches sending Kate.

I don’t partner with Kate and others to feel good. At the end of the day, people coming to know Christ is the best thing that can happen as a result of my giving. 

I believe that we should be generous with what we have. My husband and I support a few different ministries and we pray about how much to give and decide on an overall total, and then give from that. We also pray that the funds will go to where they are needed.  

Ultimately our money is never going to be ours. It’s always God given. So at least some of it should be going back to God and His mission.

If someone asked me if they should partner with someone like Kate, I would say, “Just do it!”. I mean, if you’re able to, you should. Use what you’ve got, to help other people use what they’ve got to share Jesus with the world.


The illustration pictures Kate (left) with Leisha (right).
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