Milestone Month

Wednesday 03 Mar

The countdown to May Mission Month is on!

It’s hard to believe that we’re already in March!  Cooler temperatures in Melbourne this week remind me of a change in seasons. I’m also mindful that the countdown is on to May Mission Month 2021.

I want to bring May Mission Month to your attention in this update because of the vital role everyone in our mission community plays as ambassadors and advocates for our shared, compelling vision.

It’s a milestone month for our organisation as we celebrate what God is doing around the world, as we raise intercultural mission awareness and most importantly as we unite afresh as partners in our support of our passionate and dedicated workers across the globe.

Can I encourage all of you – as highly valued members of our mission family – to do all you can to spread the word about May Mission Month 2021. Let’s make the most of the next few months to actively engage as ambassadors and advocates, recognising the power of ‘word of mouth’ across our movement.

Let’s be chatting with pastors and leaders and raising their awareness of what is God is doing through our teams across the world. Let’s look for opportunities to highlight our ministries and workers in our local church communities, mission teams and home groups.
Let’s be praying for a very generous and response from churches and supporters as we invest in our workers and projects. Let’s be getting behind our workers in any way we can as they seek to lock in visits, Zooms and video connections with churches.

I had the privilege over the past week of recording a series of sermons on our 2021 May Mission Month theme of ‘Vibrant Communities’. It was great to share stories of what God is doing through people like Sally in Mozambique, Eliza and David on the Silk Road and Dave and Caz in South East Asia.

These sermons will be part of a large suite of resources that churches can use during May or at other times during the year. Over the next month more resources will be added online, including stories from our intercultural workers, sermon guides, children’s resources. You can find out more about our May Mission Month plans and resources here >>
As we unpack the ‘Vibrant Communities’ theme, we’re also wanting to celebrate what God is doing across our Baptist movement in Australia.

Be it on the Silk Road or South Melbourne, be it in Malawi or Mackay, Cambodia or Cabramatta we recognise the opportunity and privilege of embracing God’s gracious invitation to join him in local communities, sharing the hope of Jesus in ways that make sense to people in their neighbourhoods, language and culture.

As Australian Baptists, we are a mission people. May Mission Month is a great opportunity to strengthen and celebrate partnership.
Let’s together, as ambassadors and advocates, seize the opportunity to invite others to partner with us as we take the hope of Jesus to people around the globe, who otherwise might never hear the Good News in ways that make sense to them.

Whether you’re a dedicated ‘Pray Daily’ supporter, a generous financial donor, a member of your church’s mission team, an intercultural worker companion or one of our team serving across the world, thank you for your unique contribution to the Global Interaction story.

Thank you for your partnership.

Grace and peace
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