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Ministry Story - Excited to hear God's word
Tobias writes, “During July and August the team and I were able to distribute audio versions of Genesis, Exodus and Matthew, on SD cards to local villages.
We arrived at one community of around a dozen people, the women were busy weaving mats and baskets to sell beside the road. We began a conversation with the people of this village and played them a story each from Genesis, Exodus, and Matthew... READ MORE >>
Prayer and Praise Points
Thurs 19 Sept - Wed 2 Oct
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19 T Vietnam Thank God that renovations at our partner organisation are in their final stages. Pray with Mark and Ngoc that the new cafe will be a light to the local community and a place for students, parents and staff to support each other and share stories.
20 F Vietnam Pray for the Vietnamese communities who have had to evacuate due to flooding and landslides. Pray for their safety, health and land stability so that they can access practical support such as food, water and shelter.
21 S Thailand and Vietnam Give thanks that our team members are safe and pray for the many people who have been displaced by the floods in Northern Thailand and Vietnam. Pray for those who have lost their homes and those who have lost loved ones. May they be able to find safety and shelter.
22 S Thailand Devastatingly, some team members' homes have been flooded. Pray for God's peace and practical support as they grieve this event. Pray for the team to be able to support each other and their local friends during this time.
23 M Thailand Praise God that Margaret has been discharged from hospital and is recovering well after her surgery. May she continue to get healthier and return to her everyday activities and ministry.
24 T Cambodia Pray for the Khmer men and women who meet weekly with KimLean and Catherine. May God transform their lives as their relationships with each other deepen and they share their hopes and questions about the future. May they begin to realise the identity they have in Jesus.
25 W Cambodia Praise God that Catherine and KimLean have arrived safely in Australia. Pray that their time Off Location will be filled with refreshing fellowship and joy.
26 T Cambodia Pray for Rours and Reaksmey as they adjust to life in Siem Reap. Pray for wisdom as they connect with struggling communities and seek to develop health and teaching programs.
27 F South Asia Give thanks that Phil has arrived back safely to South Asia and that the whole in-country team is back together. Pray that they will continue to be an encouragement to each other and the local staff.
28 S South Asia Give thanks for Ryan and Suzie’s language nurturer. Pray that as Ryan and Suzie grow in their cultural understanding and language skills they will also grow in friendship with their nurturer and other locals.
29 S South Asia Pray for Anthony as he learns more about local livestock projects. Pray for wisdom and insight as he considers how his expertise can be used to empower local people.
30 M Australia Pray for Paul as he continues his ministry among international students at Macquarie University. Pray for opportunities to stay connected with recent graduates who are open to exploring faith. Pray for continued Gospe curiosity in the midst of their busy lives.
1 T Australia Pray for Christian students at Macquarie University. May they be encouraged in their faith as they study, connect with non-Christian students and more fully discover the goodness of God and His will for their lives.
2 W Australia Thank God for First Nations leaders and churches. Pray that they will be able to access resources that make sense in their contexts. Pray for Daniel as he journeys alongside church groups. May they feel supported as they learn together.