Support Danny and Beth

Danny and Beth's Story

Danny and Beth joined the Outback Australia team in 2021. They are on location in the Northern Territory for three extended periods of time each year, strengthening the team’s capacity to be alongside Indigenous leaders and churches in remote desert communities.

Lajamanu and Kalkarindji form the northern cluster of towns in Outback Australia, while Yuendumu, Ali Curung, Willowra and Murray Downs make up the southern cluster. Currently Danny and Beth are primarily focussed on serving in the southern communities.

Along with the rest of the team they are listening to our Warlpiri and Gurindji peoples. This involves them in ongoing learning, planning and training. They also spend time visiting and sharing with partners and supporters, primarily in Victoria.  

Danny and Beth have three married children and seven grandchildren. Beth grew up on a farm in western Victoria and has become increasingly passionate about environmental sustainability. Originally a secondary school teacher, Danny has served for over thirty years in pastoral leadership.

They are keen to learn from and walk alongside others in encouraging national reconciliation, and are committed to share the hope Jesus brings. 


​Donations to these intercultural team members are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for Danny and Beth's willingness to serve God and walk alongside First Nations believers and faith leaders. 
  • Pray for deep cultural understanding and humility as Danny and Beth listen, learn and uplift Indigenous people.